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Musekiller T


Musekiller T's current whereabouts are unknown. He was last seen in the city of Tijuana on the week of 4/6/2001. If you have any information of his current location,please contact us as soon as possible. Thank you very much.

Beam 9000


Beam 9000 was born on the 1st day of January, on 1982. He's a capricorn, that by itself explains a lot of things. He spent his childhood on the barrio of Palaco, among gangs, graffiti and Ranchera Music.

When he was eight years old, he and his family moved to Santa Monica, and a year later, to a place he strangely refers as "The Suburbia", located on the outskirts of Mexicali, a place he's learned to love and hate at the same time.

By the age 9, his parents bought him his first computer, an xt 8088, 640k Ram and a monochrome monithor. He sort of mastered the ways of MS-DOS and he stills formats diskettes the old way to this date.

At ages 10 he bought his first tape, Queen's Greatest Hits. He fell in love with music, but he found that his fingers where too fat and too clumsy to handle a guitar so he opted for the keyboard. At age 11 he was crankin' classic tunes as Depeche Mode's "I just can't get enough" and Caifanes' "La Negra Tomasa" on a small Radio Shack Keyboard he got for his birthday. He wanted to make a rock band, but he didn't knew how. A little time after that, economical crisis hit Mexico and his dreams of making music where put aside for a few years.

Eight years later, while talking with buddy Octavio Islas about the potential of computer generated music, they decide to make an electronic music combo. After a little thinking, they decide to name the band "Nuclear GRL", the english traduction of "Chica Nuclear", the nickname Beam gave to a girl he had a huge crush on at the time. Using such software as Acid Pro, Cubase and Fruity Loops, they made their first demo, and a few months later, they release their music on the internet, proudly being the first people from Mexicali whit presence on

To this date, Beam 9000 continues to explore the intrincate sounds of electronica, and likes to write and draw comic books from time to time. He is also part of the retro-electronica band "Leche Esmeralda" and spends way too much time on the internet.